Can Probiotics Help Reduce Sugar Cravings?
Companies promote the idea, but the science is based on mice studies. Studies show that gut bacteria can influence sugar cravings in mice, and some companies claim probiotics can do the same for people. For many people, sugar is hard to resist but could certain gut bacteria help curb those cravings? That’s what some probiotic brands claim. Probiotic supplements have been marketed for years as a way to boost gut health, increase energy, and even “feel lighter.” Some brands go a step further, suggesting they can also help reduce sugar cravings. But can a daily dose of bacteria really make you crave fewer sweets? The idea isn’t entirely far-fetched. Research in mice has shown that lacking certain gut bacteria like , L. gasseri, L. johnsonii , and Muribaculacecan lead to sugar binges. And it’s not just sugar mice missing L. johnsonii and Muribaculaceae tend to overeat high-fat foods, too. “Anything that’s pleasurable, the mice will eat more if they’re missing these organisms,” say...